Hot Sauces
Our hot sauces have a good balance of great flavor as well as good heat.
Some will scoff saying "this ain't hot" but remember that these are the same people
that drink battery acid through a straw.

Diablo Grande

Red Headed Woodpecker

Deer in the Headlights

Fresh garden flavor with good heat Woodsy smokey with mild heat BBQ flavor with good heat Smokey flavor with good heat
Liquid Lava Diablo Grande Red Headed Woodpecker Deer in the Headlights
$6.00 $6.00 $6.00


The Ghost

5 Pepper

A ghoulish blend of aged red peppers and the king of heat "GHOST PEPPER".  Hardcore chili flavor will wow your taste buds just before you're devastated by the heat.
Come visit the AFTERLIFE and see what you have been missing!
Are you afraid of the ghost? You should be afraid of this frighteningly ferocious hot sauce made with the “Ghost Pepper” from India. Relish flavor with mild heat  
Five Pepper  
$10.00 $10.00 $6.00  
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